A Marketing Intern Producing Leather Crafts?

A Marketing Intern Producing Leather Crafts?

Helloo friends! It's me again :") How have your leather craft journey been 🧐? Mine has been very eye-opening 🤩! Since I have been sharing a lot on the basics of leather craft and some interaction I had with leather crafting, in this blog I will be sharing on some of the tasks I have been working on other than getting myself more familiar with crafts. 


Taking photos of products 📸

As our team is trying to revamp our website to make it easier for users to navigate, my first task is to take photos of our products. I am personally not very well verse with the camera and do not know any special techniques when it comes to photography or editing photos. So, I got ideas and help from my fellow intern on ways to adjust the camera to make the photo more pleasant. Although the photos were not perfect, it was a good first try (of course with much help from others 🥲). I was glad to get a chance to be able to execute it although in the end the photos were not used.


(This is our photo set-up)


Since, I like to do things one shot and perfectly, something i took away from this experience is that, not everything can be done on its first try. To be able to meet the standard of taking a good photo, it might take several tries to achieve the expected results. SO if your hard work gets rejected don't be demoralized and continue to press on! 💪🏻 


Making Video Content 📹

I am also working on making video contents to post on our YouTube channel. My first video content actually came about when I hear several customers calling in to ask where our shop is located at and asking us for specific directions 📍. So I had the idea of making a direction video to our shop 🏠! 

Being quite a shy person, it took me quite a bit of courage to film the video without being cautious of what passerby/strangers thought but it was a fun experience! After some challenges (it rained on my first take 🌧 & there were a few trial and error while editing 🫠) the video finally came out! Do click on this link to take a look at it! 

Other than this, I am also trying to kickstart an "Intro for Beginners Series" on our YouTube Channel.  If you are interested in the videos do look out for upcoming videos on our YouTube channel and Instagram for more updates 😊! 


Re-making the Colour Swatch 🌈

This "project" intrigued me the most as it felt like I am creating my own product (although the idea did not originated from me 🥲). Although creating and making products is not part of my job description, it is an experience I always wanted to try, so I enjoyed the process of making the swatch. I also get to see the trial and errors of a new creation and experience the process of making a product whole and presentable, which was amusing 💡. 


Since, different product uses different types of leather, different leather swatches are made separately in different ways. 

Full-grain Vegetable-tanned Buffalo Leather 

Most of our workshops uses Full-grain Vegetable-tanned Buffalo Leather, so this was the first swatch I made. What makes this swatch design special is the fact that you can mix and match the different colours by stacking the colours on top of each other and seeing the colours through the shapes. I think that this idea really makes the whole process of choosing colours a whole lot more enthralling. 

*The colours portrayed in the pictures might differ from the original colour seen in real life 🎨

(Swatch from the top view) 

(How the leathers are stacked on one another)

(How the swatch look on the inside)


Full-grain Milled Cow Combination-Tanned Leather

We decided to use another approach to make the Full-grain Milled Cow Combination-Tanned Leather (aka Togo Leather) as unlike the Buffalo leather with 9 different colour it has twice the amount of colour variety with 18 colours. 

Instead of having one full piece of each colour, each piece contains 2 different colours. Although this means more work to be done, I feel that it becomes another great innovation and makes the whole swatch more lively and colourful 🌈. Togo leather is also much harder to cut straight due to its soft nature but I felt that the more I interact with it the more I understand how to cut it better 📏. 


 (How the swatch looks like after completion)

(The pieces of leather cut out from the swatch) 

(Looked pretty from the side so I took a pic hehe 🥰)

I had fun fiddling and playing with the cut out pieces as they looked very colourful. I feel that these cut outs can also be used as a form of design 🤪.

Other than these 2 types of leather, we also sell Full-grain Calf Leather and Full-grain Crazy Horse. Do look forward to our future swatch designs for the other leather types or come down personally for a workshop to experience the choice of choosing colours yourself! 


If you noticed each and every part of what I do are not solely mine nor of my own ideas, and I require help from everyone to accomplish the tasks I do. I feel that all these little successes are not of my own and for me is part of my learning process as an intern at Crafune 🥺. I really enjoy being exposed to so many new skills and tasks that I have not tried before, sooo till next time~


Reading next

Warming up to Leather Crafting
Leather Crafting from another Perspective

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